Hey there!
Haven't been posting for like, a week or two? Its the march revision season! 3 days in school, Thursday we went to Malaysia, Johor.
We arrived at school at 6.00am. But the trip wasn't really fun.. Or is it just me? We went to weird places like, pineapple museum, and tin something factory. Some factory that process tin and turn them to tin cans and stuff. Okay, enough of that.
For some reason, I don't really feel like posting anything. I feel sick. Woke up one day with a bad headache, flu, cough, and sore throat. I really hope I still feel sick on monday so I can skip school! LOL
I didn't keep to the deadline for coursework. I'm screwed for FnN..
Sick and in agony, Jun Wei
Would you give me one more minute,
The story's far from finished,
We could fill in all the page.
I'm feeling sick,
Girl, you're so contagious.
-Boys like Girls, Contagious