Firstly, I would like to thank Carmen for helping with the blogskin! THANK YOU CARMEN!!
Ok.. Yesterday night I went to my cousin's house. We went to watch 2012! A midnight show.. Ohmygosh! I SWEAR that was the best movie ever! But certain parts were really a close shave, and some parts were funny. Well.. The movie goes like this, the Earth's core's temperature is rising and cause lots of problems. But the government didn't want to let the people know the truth because they dont want the country going crazy and rioting. California crumbled down first in the show. It went down somewhere i do not know due to the earthquake.. MASSIVE EARTHQUAKE! And a family, actually the main family, was in the plane, looking at their home crush down to pieces, see their friends fall into the abyss of darkness, sent to a place where dead people go.. =.= Too dramatic. And the YellowStone, some national park in the States, turn into the largest volcano. You should've seen, the sight was mighty! Lava blasting out from the ground and lava ball flew like birds! Its not a long movie, so I suggest everyone who haven't watched it to watch it!
Well, remember I said something about funny parts in the movie, my favourite is the starting when some guy went to India. His friend's wife told him, 'Hi! You hungry? I cooked your favourite fish curry!' Then he told his friend, 'Your wife is getting prettier everytime i visit, why is that?' And guess what the wife's husband said, 'Well, she looks better everyday, but her fish curry is still as horrible.' HAH!
Okay! I got to go now. See ya next time! REMEMBER TO WATCH 2012 AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!